At HENA, we are always thinking about insightful and useful ways
to reach people in a manner that leaves them with a positive impact, healing, empowerment, and hope.
One of our three-part foci is to join hands with other well-meaning individuals and organizations to eradicate poverty and hunger from our communities.
While we engage in donations that directly provide food and other relief items to the needy, we strive even more to help pull people out of poverty by empowering them to be capable of earning a means of living for and by themselves.
Technology has become one of the most powerful tools in our world today; so much so that it feels like there is no way we’d exist without it.
No doubt, an investment into gaining knowledge and expertise in the tech industry is one of the smartest things one can do to secure their finances at a time like this.
And if there are skills that will never go obsolete, then digital literacy must be top of the list.
“Get Digified” is our initiative to bring people the opportunity to get into the tech career by accessing any of the 100% scholarship courses that we would be offering to them.
We are more than thrilled to be doing this! A lot of background work has been underway and strong partnerships have been consolidated with expert stakeholders
in the tech industry with whom we would be delivering this project.
Once all details are finalized, word would be out there for applications to come in. We look forward to training
thousands of young people both via onsite and online modes of tutelage. You can keep your eyes on our social platforms for more information as they roll out
Sponsorships are very much welcome; please reach us via any of our contact channels provided on our website.
We’d also be very pleased to receive your donations to help us make this project a vibrant success.
Before you go, wish us some luck! :)