Is Formal Education Still Relevant Nowadays?

The narrative we have been used to is that the right process to achieving success is to gather as much formal education as possible, as this is the surest route to a fulfilling life. We have been tailored to buy into this concept and countless have plugged into it.

But these days, the times have changed with so many successful people who have made remarkable prints in life without hinging on formal education. Skill, talent, and craftsmanship are some of these avenues through which people have been able to succeed and create the lives of their dreams.

On the other hand, a lot of people love to buttress the point that numerous have gone through with formal education and invested so much in a career and yet have absolutely nothing to show for it.
While we cannot negate the above, we also cannot deny the glaring reality that formal education has always and is still shaping lives in the most remarkable ways. People have come from very humble beginnings to experience enormous success just because they took formal education seriously and toed their career path very diligently.

At a time like now, the emphasis, for young people especially, should be to explore both options. None of them should be written off, instead, let every young person get the privilege to understand what they can offer and choose the best option or even both! The end goal is for everyone to find their safe and happy place during their lifetime.